Tuition is due on the 25th. Pay Now and View Account Statements
Quality Care at your Neighborhood School
It is recommended that you start your child in the program immediately. This prevents confusion on those first days of school in September.
On the first day of school, send a note advising your child’s teacher of his/her Child Care schedule.
A note must be sent in to your child’s teacher on any day your child will not attend the PM child care session.
Students must register for the child care program in the school they attend.
All participating students must be enrolled in the Jackson School District.
Change In Program Usage
Please notify the office as soon as possible of any changes to your child’s Child Care schedule as it takes 3 business days to process these requests.
Please notify the Child Care office in writing when you plan to discontinue use of the program.
No day exchanges will be allowed for absences.
Be sure to notify your child’s homeroom teacher of any child care schedule changes.
Any child engaging in repetitive disruptive, disrespectful, and/or dangerous behavior shall be disciplined as follows:
First Incident – Formal warning -Written and oral notification to parent by lead teacher.
Second Incident – Communication from Coordinator – Next infraction will mean a two day suspension of services.
Third Incident – Two day exclusion from Child Care (This will commence within three working days of the infraction.)
Fourth Incident – Termination will commence on the fourth working day from infraction.
Please note: The severity of the infraction will determine the consequence.
Cell Phone / Electronic device usage
To ensure the privacy of all students enrolled in the Jackson Child Care Academy, unauthorized cell phone/electronic device usage is not allowed in any of our programs.
Special Circumstances
Injured/Sick Child
If your child is injured, the teacher will report the injury to you.
If your child is seriously injured, staff will phone the Jackson First Aid to provide services, and then you will be telephoned.
If your child is ill you will be telephoned. Sick children must be taken home.
It is imperative to keep emergency information updated annually.
Medication Policy
Child Care providers may not administer medications. Only school nurses may dispense medications.
A student may self-administer medication without supervision of the school nurse for asthma or other life-threatening illnesses.
The only medications that may be self-administered are inhalers for asthma or medications to treat anaphylactic reactions.
In order for a student to self-medicate, the parent must obtain and complete the medication administration packet from the school nurse. The parent and private physician must complete this packet. A copy of these forms must be provided to the Child Care Office at the time of registration.
Accident Insurance
Child Care clients are responsible for their own insurance for their children.
It is recommended that you purchase the Voluntary Accident Insurance through the schools if you do not have insurance. Applications and literature are available at the main offices of the schools.
The Board of Education and Jackson Child Care Academy assume no liability for injuries that occur while participating in our program.
Termination Of Service
As per Child Care regulations, services may be terminated for reasons of delinquent accounts, student discipline problems, and repeated late pick-up of children. When a child is terminated from the program, DO NOT send him/her back to Child Care after that date. The student will not be accepted.